The Modlite Diffuser and Filter Cap consists of the optic assembly and clamping ring. The installed diffuser turns the intense hot spot of the weapon light into a smooth 40 degree flood for close range illumination. Close range flood illumination is often necessary for administrative tasks or small room lighting when 50,000+ Candela is too intense. This system is particularly useful for helmet mounted lighting applications because the current solution to diffuse a helmet light is to angle the light to a ceiling--This "umbrella lighting" solution is often too dim and/or dependent on your location relative to a ceiling.
Every Modlite Diffuser Cap comes with a Diffusers and Filters bundle. Each bundle comes with a small retaining ring tool to remove the stock diffuser and install a new optic. The bundle comes with various color filters, diffusers, attenuators, and windows. Click here to see the different configurations you can do with the Modlite Diffuser and Filter Cap.
The Modlite Diffuser and Filter Cap is for current gen Modlites ONLY. This cap has very specific dimmensions to properly seal the light for optimal diffuser/filter performance.
You may notice that this light cap is thicker than other external light, diffuser, or filter caps--this is so the optics that are installed do not scratch on the light bezel when being flipped on or off.